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Woofer Refoam / Restoration / Favor for a friend

A close friend of mine inherited some Wharfedale monkey coffins from her late parents. She wants to have them restored and the foam surrounds have gone bad a long time ago. Her and her husband are located in Cabot, AR, and I'm trying to find someone relatively local to her to do the job. She posted on a Facebook group about it, and got offers from dozens of people that she didn't know, and didn't feel comfortable sending them to some random person from a Facebook group, so I told her I would find someone that was known in the community to do it. They were apparently in a non-climate-controlled storage unit for a long time and need some love.

She brought me ice cream when I had my wisdom teeth removed and couldn't eat for a week, so I need to return the favor.

deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)


  • I dont know the first thing about refoaming, but if someone north of arkansas does, i will take care of transit.  (Have some friends that are due for a visit)
  • Thanks man, I'll keep that in mind.
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • Correct me if I am wrong, but your pictures look like a torn rubber surround; not a decaying foam type surround.  Would this be correct?  Or maybe it is just the way the light is striking the surround in your pictures.  Sometimes foam can look very dark, like rubber, if the photo is underexposed. 
  • 4thtry said:
    Correct me if I am wrong, but your pictures look like a torn rubber surround; not a decaying foam type surround.  Would this be correct?  Or maybe it is just the way the light is striking the surround in your pictures.  Sometimes foam can look very dark, like rubber, if the photo is underexposed. 
    I was thinking it was rubber too - it just looks like the glue between the surround and frame is failing. If so, you just need to find the right type of glue.
  • Those are not my pictures, the owner took them. I'm just going off what she told me about them.
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
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